Comics Studies Society Annual Conference: Glitching Comics


In her 2020 publication Glitch Feminism: A Manifesto, Legacy Russell explores the notion of “glitch-as-error with its genesis in the realm of the machinic and the digital.” With this framing, she argues that glitches might “inform the way we see the AFK world, shaping how we might participate in it toward greater agency for and by ourselves” […]


This RHR issue will explore the recent history of comics—defined broadly as works that combine sequences of visual images, frequently with text, to convey narratives. Comics in this sense have existed in the U.S. and elsewhere for well over a century as independent publications as well as appearing in circulars, newspapers, magazines, pamphlets and other […]

Comics Forum: Bodies & Embodiement – Call for Papers

The thirteenth Comics Forum will focus on themes of embodiment within comics and Comics Studies across cultures, disciplines, and forms. Embodiment is the process through which both individual and cultural ideas and beliefs become material. Embodiment generates an emerging challenge to and within Comics Studies that scholars such as Eszter Szép and Scott Jeffery have begun to explore […]